9 Common FAQs for Solar Panels in Auckland

Solar Panel

Are you interested in saving money on your Auckland home energy costs? Solar panel technology is a great way to do just that. Solar panels allow you to convert solar energy into electricity which can then be used to power your home. It is an effective and ecological method of reducing your carbon footprint and saving money at the same time.

How much money will I save?

The amount of money you save by installing solar panels for an Auckland home varies from household to household, depending on the type and quantity of solar panels, your location, and the size of your energy consumption. 

However, in most cases, the average Auckland homeowner can expect to save between 10-25% on their annual energy bills by switching to solar energy. To get an estimate on how much you would save, the SEANZ Solar Optimiser is a tool that can be used to help understand more about solar electricity and how you can maximise your savings.

How does solar technology work?

Solar Panels

When it comes to harvesting the sun’s energy, solar panels are the essential element. The panels collect the sun’s energy in the form of photons (light particles) and convert it into a direct current (DC) of electricity. The energy produced is harvested by photovoltaic (PV) cells. 

These are thin silicone wafers wired together and then placed inside the solar panel. When exposed to sunlight, the negative and positively charged particles within the PV cells come together and form an electric current. That current is then channelled through wiring and transported to the home’s electrical system for household use.


The harnessed energy is raw DC and can’t be used in your home – to use the energy produced, you will need an inverter. The inverter is a piece of technology that converts the captured DC power to alternating current (AC) that can then be used in your home. The type of inverter you will need depends on the photovoltaic system you’re using.


Solar panel systems can be fitted with battery storage technology, allowing you to save energy created during the day to use at night. This means your home will be energy independent and you could significantly reduce your power bills. During the sunny days of the summer months, you’ll have more electricity stored than you can use in winter when the days are shorter and the sun isn’t as abundant.

How much does a solar system cost, and what financing options are available?

The size of your property and your energy needs will affect the total cost of an installed solar system. The more energy you require, the bigger and more solar panels you will require to achieve a system that will save you on your energy bills. Using the SEANZ Solar Optimiser, you can workout an estimate for the cost of a system and how you can get the most energy efficient savings.

Most solar providing companies in Auckland will be able to provide you with a free quote and professional recommendations on what solar setup will be best for you. Common payment options include; cash payment, financial purchase, and a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

How do I know what sized panel to purchase?

If you are considering purchasing a solar panel for your home, it is important to make sure you get one of the right size to fit your needs. With so many different sizes and types available in the market, it can be difficult to decide which one is the right fit for you. Here are some tips to help you determine the correct size solar panel for your needs.

Determine how much energy you need

The amount of energy you need from your solar panel will be one of the most important factors in deciding how large the panel should be. Consider the total electricity usage for your home – including any appliances, lighting, and electronics – to get an estimate and decide how much energy you need from your solar panel. Pay attention to how much power the solar panel will have to supply on a daily or monthly basis and make sure that the size of the panel can provide the necessary energy for your home.

Consider the available space

Once you determine the amount of energy you need from your solar panel, consider how much space is available in your home – or on your roof – for the panel. Solar panels need a certain amount of surface area in order to operate efficiently, so measure the area you plan to install the panel on and make sure it can accommodate the correct size.

Ultimately, if you enquire with a solar panel company, they will be able to provide you with expert advise on the right solar panel solution for your needs.

Why would I add batteries to my system?

Batteries provide an additional source of energy storage and allow you to use the energy you’ve collected during times when your panels are not producing much power. In other words, having batteries effectively extends the capability of your solar panel system, enabling you to draw energy when the sun is not shining.

Batteries also ensure that you have a continuous supply of energy, even when there are power outages. This can be especially important if you have appliances on which you depend. By having a battery backup system in place, you can prevent your appliances from going offline or relying on an unreliable source during a power outage.

Finally, batteries can provide a financial benefit as well. By storing excess energy from your solar panel system, you can reduce your dependence on grid electricity and save on electricity bills.

What kind of servicing does a solar system need?

Just like cars, solar systems need routine maintenance to check for faults or potential problems that could cause unexpected downtime. The frequency of this servicing depends on the type of solar system you have. If you’re using a rooftop system, it’s important to check it at least twice annually – once in the spring and once in the autumn.

Check-ups tend to include spot checking and cleaning of solar panels, checking battery connections and settings, inspecting the charge controller and inverter, and testing the grounding of the system. Maintenance personnel will also check the system’s performance and identify any safety issues.

It’s important that solar system maintenance is carried out by a qualified technician who is familiar with your particular system. During a servicing, technicians will do a thorough inspection of the site to ensure that the solar system is able to produce electricity at its optimal levels and is able to supply energy safely to the grid.

Will the system work in freezing weather

Solar panel systems will work in all parts of New Zealand, and it will be even more efficient in cold weather since the cells can lose their effectiveness when it is hot. However, it will not be able to generate power if snow covers the panel, and blocks light from hitting the absorber plate.

Is it possible to have commercial solar panels?

When it comes to powering businesses, more and more business owners are turning to solar energy as a clean and renewable source of energy. However, the question of whether commercial solar panels are possible is one that many business owners are asking. The short answer is yes, it is possible to have commercial solar panels.

Commercial-scale solar energy systems are being increasingly employed by a variety of businesses, from small and medium enterprises to large multinational corporations. Solar power is becoming more and more popular due to its financial benefits and environmental impact. 

The cost of installing and owning a solar energy system is relatively low compared to other forms of energy and the energy produced offsets the larger electricity costs associated with a commercial space. Additionally, the environmental impact of utilizing solar energy is significant as it greatly reduces the emissions of pollutants associated with other sources of energy.

When it comes to the technical feasibility of having commercial solar panels, the current technology is more than capable of powering a business. Solar panel systems are now available that are designed for larger commercial spaces and can provide sufficient amounts of electricity for everyday operations. 

Solar systems for businesses are easy to install for professionals and require minimal maintenance resulting in clean and reliable energy production. The systems are designed to scale for businesses of any size, meaning a business can start with a smaller solar energy system and scale it up as needed.

Can I sell my excess solar energy?

If you generate more solar energy than you need, you can sell the extra electricity back to your utility company. Known as solar buyback, they typically offer customers anywhere from $0.07 to $0.17 per kWh exported. View the SEANZ resource PV export buyback rates* of the main energy retailers in New Zealand for residential systems.

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